The FREE Sleep Health & Wellbeing Expo is on Saturday 9th April at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. It includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea but you must register. Click here to register NOW! The goal of the Expo is to spread the message of the importance of having all 4 pillars of health in balance.
In order to maintain a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle it’s important to give the same level of care and attention to 4 elements, known as “Pillars of Health”;
• Sleep • Mindset • Exercise • Nutrition
These four pillars are our foundation for good health. If one or more of these pillars are not in place it will have a negative impact on the others.
The Sleep Health & Wellbeing Expo is a FREE industry-leading event providing an unparalleled opportunity for people to discover and connect with community services, businesses, and organisations within the sleep, and allied health care and lifestyle industries. Our event is not just an expo, it will also feature a diverse and comprehensive speaker program developed by qualified sleep and allied health care professionals.
Do you or someone you know have idiopathic hypersomnia or narcolepsy? Or perhaps you treat people that do? Make a weekend of it!

We will be co-hosting with Hypersomnolence Australia an Idiopathic Hypersomnia & Narcolepsy Education Day on 10th April 2022, the day after the expo.
Tickets are limited. Book NOW! Click here
Both the in person and online ticket prices have been heavily subsidised. In person tickets include all meals. Yes we know, this is an insanely good offer so BE QUICK - Ticket numbers are limited.
CHECK OUT OUR GREAT SPEAKER PROGRAM! https://www.hypersomnolenceaustralia.org.au/ihnarcolepsyeducationday
Researchers and clinicians in Australia receive very little or no education with regards to narcolepsy and disorders of hypersomnolence. This lack of knowledge and understanding has direct negative health outcomes for sufferers including delayed diagnosis and treatment. Our Education Day is a unique opportunity designed for medical and allied health care professionals, sufferers and their family and friends to learn more about these disorders from our invited speakers and from each other. Tickets for the Idiopathic Hypersomnia and Narcolepsy Education Day are on SALE NOW!