Sleep Disorders Australia (SDA) is a voluntary Not for Profit Health Promotion Charity that advocates for the needs of people with sleep disorders and raises awareness of sleep disorders and the significance they can have on the lives of those affected by them. We provide information and education with regard to the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders and strive to bring a better understanding of sleep health to the public.
As the peak consumer body for sleep disorders in Australia we work with a range of sleep health professionals, organisations, research centres and peak bodies. Membership is available to all sufferers, members of their families, medical professionals, and any member of the public who has an interest in the area of sleep disorders.
Sleep Disorders Australia is registered as a public company, limited by guarantee.
It is also a registered Health Promotion Charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC).
It has been endorsed by the ATO as an income tax exempt charity and has full ATO endorsement
as a Deductible Gift Recipient.
Our Constitution contains the rules pertaining to the company.

Great Reasons to Join - Help us achieve our goals

We represent and advocate for people with sleep disorders and liaise with key stakeholders including pharma, Government,
clinicians and researchers.

We maintain a website that includes a range of factsheets and other information which you can download and share.

We participate as consumer and patient advocates/advisors on research projects and clinical trials.

FREE second hand PAP machine advertising on our website for all members. Non-members are also welcome to advertise.
We also organised and hosted the Sleep Health & Wellbeing Expo. The Expo was a FREE event held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre - 9th April 2022. Learn more.
Our goal is to spread the message of the importance of having all 4 pillars of health in balance with a particular focus on good sleep health and how to achieve it.
"Almost 40% of Australians suffer from insufficient sleep, which increases the risk for a number of physical and mental health conditions. It was a pleasure to acknowledge Michelle Chadwick from Sleep Disorders Australia in parliament who is working to increase education & awareness of sleep health." Dr Fiona Martin MP
"There is no paid staff at SDA. We all volunteer our time and experience. SDA receives no funding. Membership and donations are needed to ensure there continues to be an organisation that represents people with sleep disorders. Join us. Membership is just $35 (there are discounts for 3 and 5 year membership)." - Michelle Chadwick, Chair, Sleep Disorders Australia
To join or make a donation please visit our support us page.
Michelle Chadwick
National Chairperson
Amanda Vernon
Director and Company Secretary
Jessica Schieren
Director - Finance
Heath Gilham
Director - Membership
Joe Soda
Professor Ron Grunstein AM
Medical Advisor - See Profile
Professor John Corbett
MB, BS (Hons), FRCP (UK), FRACP, MA (Oxford), DPhil (Oxford), MACLM
Patron - See Profile

Our History
In 1985 the treatment of sleep apnea took a great leap forward with the development of CPAP for home use. There were two sleep support groups in Australia at that time. In NSW, the Sleep Apnea Research Association (SARA) was formed with the support of the Sleep Disorders Unit of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, and in South Australia, Apnea Incorporated was formed with the assistance of the Royal Adelaide Hospital Sleep Clinic. Activities included seminars and awareness programs, information distributed via brochures and telephone inquiries, regular newsletter production, and small fundraising events. By 1994 sleep apnea support groups had started in Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, and the ACT. In November 1994, a meeting was held in Sydney. At this meeting, it was agreed to form a national group with the name Sleep Disorders Australia (SDA).
SDA now assists members in much the same way it did in 1985, through awareness programs, information distribution, newsletter production, and fundraising events. It also represents and advocates for people with sleep disorders and liaises with key stakeholders including pharma, Government, clinicians and researchers. SDA officers also participate as consumer and patient advocates/advisors on research projects and clinical trials. While SDA may have started as a sleep apnea organisation it now offers advocacy and information on other sleep disorders, such as Insomnia, Narcolepsy, Idiopathic Hypersomnia, and Restless Legs Syndrome.